Theme – BOLD

This guy stole our water, ripped off the caps and drank it.  


  1. Bill! You are lucky that is all he stole and ripped off!! lol Great shot.

    • It was +100 F and I was about to climb a very high mountain. We went back for more water.

  2. That is some bold actions, but what is even bolder is the way he stopped to laugh at you! This put a huge smile across my face, too funny! Where were you when you took this shot?

    • This was taken at the base of Sigiriya Rock in Central Sri Lanka. If you want to read more about it go to this link:

      • Thanks for the link -very interesting! I can see it is going to be a fun year seeing the world through your eyes! 🙂

        • I’ll do my best to keep you entertained by the best photos I can take! I hope you enjoy…

  3. Magnificent self portrait Bill, did you use the timer or have one of your hairyfriends take it??? LOL

  4. Was he friendly or just a little assertive? Great shot he is pretty cute though.

    • CUTE???? He was pretty assertive! He was stealing stuff from everyone walking by.

      • Bill! Isn’t this a baboon?? To inform the uninitiated who might think this is a cute little monkey you might could play with, if this is a baboon they are always assertive, and dangerous as well as you likely already know.

  5. Smart little monkey! And he stopped to pose for you, too. I’m surprised he didn’t charge for the photos. 😉

    • He did charge…three bottles of water!

  6. Love this one. After being stared at, I handed over everything I had in my possesion. I will send you a bill, Bill.

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